SvanetiNews 18.10.2024

“Together, Challenging Goals Are Easier to Achieve “ - Lasha Tsartsidze, director of the ‘Mountain Tea’ cooperative

18.10.2023 19:12


I am Lasha Tsartsidze, a tea producer and a leading member of the 'Mountain Tea' cooperative from Zemo Imereti, specifically from Chiatura. Currently, we produce tea in two villages: Nigozeti and Mechkheturi. I did not mention the word 'producing' by chance because today, we indeed have a smooth production process thanks to the assistance of donors. Unfortunately, until now, there was a risk of crop spoilage many times because we did not have the appropriate equipment, which was a hindering factor in our work.

Our business revival was made possible through the joint project GRETA by the European Union, Sweden, and Austria. I learned about this project through information shared on the Internet. I was immediately interested in the grant competition for organic farming entrepreneurs. I obtained detailed information by attending regional information meetings. After that, I wrote the project, followed the instructions meticulously, progressed to the next stages, and in the final step, I became one of the winners of the grant competition.

The triumph in the grant competition and the support we garnered from donors played a pivotal role in the development of our cooperative. We received essential machines such as a tea drying machine and a fermentation and separation facility. In a nutshell, the work process has become significantly more manageable for us.

To convey the essence of having our business revived and emphasise the profound importance of the financial assistance received from the EU, Sweden and Austria, I'd describe a time when, lacking this equipment, our crop would often succumb to ruin. While we could harvest it, processing it was a challenge, and it's a shame that all our hard work went to waste. Today, the correct crop processing through the machines has increased by five times, and the losses due to ruined materials have decreased proportionately. Before we had machines, our tea production per season was 100 kilos; Now, even before the season begins, we've already produced 200 kilos. Concurrently, we've adopted bio standards and eagerly anticipate obtaining organic certification in 2024.

In addition to production, we received constant assistance from the project in marketing our product. I kept thinking, "When this project is over, to whom should I turn when such urgent issues arise?" I was lost in these thoughts when the phone rang, and the project representatives informed me that the training sessions were starting, where we entrepreneurs would be taught modern business management and marketing techniques. Today, I also know what is needed to manage my business. I met highly qualified experts in the field and now know how to proceed.

In summary, everything was planned meticulously and purposefully. In the beginning, donors supported me in managing production. Without their help, the product wouldn't exist. The support had the benefit of simplifying the work and giving the members of the cooperative hope for a better future. Then came the teaching and development of the skills that will help us to advance and develop independently. At this point, the feeling that our work had meaning was born.

Now, we possess both the motivation and the vision that shortly, our 'Mountain Tea' will stand as one of the most potent companies in the region, then in Georgia, and gradually, we undoubtedly will expand beyond borders with the already granted organic production status.

We are open to collaboration with like-minded partners who share our ambition for collective success. I firmly believe that challenging goals become more attainable when pursued together. If you're interested in connecting with us, feel free to reach out via our Facebook page - მაღალმთიანი იმერეთის ჩაი


 With the support of the European Union, Sweden and Austria, 68 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the highland region of Georgia have received substantial assistance for their business development.

Take advantage of the upcoming success stories, where incredibly fascinating people will share their experiences with us.

Project GRETA | “Green Economy: Sustainable Mountain Tourism and Organic Agriculture” is implemented by the Austria Development Agency in Georgia with the support of the European Union, Austria, and Sweden. The project aims to improve the business environment and create new income opportunities in two important sectors of the Georgian economy, mountain tourism and organic agriculture.


This material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union, Sweden, and Austria within the framework of the GRETA project.  Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Austrian Development Agency /GRETA Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, Sweden, or Austri


#EU #Sweden #Austria

#GRETAProject #forthedevelopmentofthemountaineconomy